Erlebnis-Marketing Das Leben besteht aus Erlebnissen, ob im Großen oder im Kleinen. Ob es das große Festival ist, oder das beschauliche Frühstück bei Oma und Opa. Das episodische Gedächtnis ist dafür verantwortlich, Erlebnisse abzuspeichern. Das, was in unserem Gehirn gespeichert wird, muss allerdings von einer bestimmten Relevanz für uns sein, denn sonst würde unser Gedächtnis […]
Wie funktioniert Simple Kommunikation
Wie simple Kommunikation funktioniert Kleinere Marken spielen auf einem anderen Level als Große. Das ist keine Verurteilung der Qualität des Brandings, sondern eine Beobachtung, dass Kommunikation angepasst werden kann, um effizienter zu sein. Je klarer die Kommunikation, desto besser. Branding ist teuer Eine Marke emotional aufzuladen heißt Investitionen in Millionenhöhe, denn sie muss gelernt werden. […]
Eine starke Anziehungskraft durch Sympathie
Markensympathie zu erwecken ist ein wichtiger Aspekt um Kunden zu gewinnen und zu binden.
Three Types of Decisions your customer could make
Three types of decisions your customer can make “You need to know your customer.” This is true for so many different reasons. You need to know the ins and outs of your customer. Part of what you need to know is the way they make decisions. According to Gerhard Roth, there are three distinguishable types […]
Let’s go to McDonalds, there we know what we get
Let’s go to McDonald’s – there we know what we get … there we know what we get This article is about americanization, about why it is good or why it is bad. What is americanization? The term describes the change in culture, economy, society and the people created by globalization. In a globalised world, […]
Immersive CX by speaking to the senses
Immersive CX by speaking to the senses When customers have a positive experience with a product, a store or a restaurant, there are more likely to engage with it again. Creating great experiences can be controlled to a far greater extent than one might think. All of the human senses are important to create a […]
The effect of pricing on perception
The effect of pricing on perception You have probably heard of the 4p´s in marketing. Product, Price, Promotion, Place.Those four words give a rough overview of the tools a marketer has. But I do not want to talk about what can be done with those tools.I want to talk about psychology and perception. Price […]
Why we buy what we buy
Why we buy what we buy Every day, people decide to buy something that is more expensive than something else even though it fulfils the same task. We buy the 1000 Euro iPhone over and Android, even though, at least today, there is not that huge of a difference in performance anymore. But we are […]
Somatic markers and the decison-making process
Somatic markers and the decision-making process Your brain needs to filter information. It needs to filter almost everything we perceive before we consciously can even process it. Most information does not even reach the conscious and remains subconscious. Why? because otherwise we constantly would be overwhelmed. How do emotions help in the decision process? […]
Advertisement strategies
Advertisement strategies Quantitative versus Qualitative strategy As a consumer, you encounter on average 3.000 Ads a day. Because most of the ads are not of your concern in order to live your daily life, you do not really pay attention to them. Marketers call this kind of behaviour: low involvement. It is assumed that over […]